

The port of Piraeus is a hub for the coastal shipping connection of the islands with mainland Greece, an international cruise center, transit trade center for the wider Mediterranean, serving ships of all types and sizes.

PPA SA today it employs more than 1,000 workers, annually serves more than 24,000 ships, contributes to the development of the local and national economy, and continues its development course by upgrading its infrastructure and services.

Within the modern port development, the PPA will evolve into a modern and dynamic company that will provide high-level services, provide justice to investors, secure long-term jobs and serve the country's commercial transactions in the most efficient way for the benefit of the national economy and consumers.


Εταιρικά videos & Δηλώσεις

Mr. Yu Zenggang, PPA Chairman

"Our vision is to emerge Piraeus as a driving force for growth and a better future for its people and for its stakeholders"

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. is an Athens Stock Exchange listed company engaged in the management and operation of Piraeus port, Greece’s largest port and one of the largest integrated harbours in Europe, providing a complete range of services.

On behalf of Piraeus Port Authority S.A., proud member of the COSCO SHIPPING Group I would like to thank you for this award. It is a great honor for the Board of Directors and for all employees, PPA to be included in the “The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece”.

In PPA we strongly believe, that our tremendous growth in recent years, which is still underway, can only be sustainable when linked with green development concepts. Therefore, environmental and social responsibility has evolved for the Port of Piraeus into a top strategic priority. 

On a long-term basis, we want to further improve our performance regarding the ESG standards and to ensure a balance between environmental, social, and economic development, enabling the perfect dialogue of the Port with the city and the communities it serves.

In the year 2022, PPA achieved new impressive financial results generating an ever-increasing direct benefit to the surrounding municipalities. Especially, the cruise business sector of the Piraeus Port recorded a strong comeback as preferred cruise destination. More specifically, in 2022 there were 677 arrivals compared to 379 in 2021 and 622 in 2019, an increase of 79% and 9%, respectively.

Our vision is for PPA is to enhance our mutual beneficial relationship with the local society and to emerge Piraeus as a benchmark for responsible Port operations in SE Europe and as a driving force for growth and a better future for its people and for its stakeholders.

Mr. Yu Zenggang, PPA Chairman

Greek Sustainability Code

ESG Criteria Framework Implementation

Πρόκειται για ένα σαφές πλαίσιο ενσωμάτωσης και εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG (Περιβάλλον, Κοινωνία & Διακυβέρνηση) από τους οργανισμούς για την υπεύθυνη λειτουργία τους, μετρώντας την οικονομική, κοινωνική και περιβαλλοντική τους επίδοση. Οι οργανισμοί δημοσιοποιούν την προσέγγιση και τις επιδόσεις τους στους άξονες της Στρατηγικής, της Διαχείρισης Διαδικασιών, του Περιβάλλοντος και της Κοινωνίας, περιγράφοντας τις πολιτικές και τις διαδικασίες που εφαρμόζουν, απαντώντας σε 20 κριτήρια Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης, με σκοπό την αυτοαξιολόγησή τους ως προς το επίπεδο ωριμότητας εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG, τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας των δημοσιοποιήσεων και των επιδόσεών τους και την ανάπτυξη μιας ολιστικής προσέγγισης της βιωσιμότητας στην επιχειρηματική τους λειτουργία.

Ανάπτυξη Πρωτοβουλιών & Συμμετοχή στον Εθνικό Διάλογο για την Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη του θεσμού Bravo